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Denim Jeans Inner Thigh Replacement Tutorial

Denim Jeans Inner Thigh Replacement: A DIY Repair Guide

Are you tired of throwing away your favorite pair of jeans because of a torn inner thigh? Look no further! This DIY repair guide will show you how to replace the inner thigh of your denim jeans, giving them a new lease on life.

Denim Jeans Inner Thigh Replacement

Step 1: Prepare Your Tools and Materials

To start this repair, you will need a few basic tools and materials. These include:

  • Fabric scissors
  • Embroidery hoop
  • Embroidery needle and floss
  • Denim swatch
  • New patch of denim

Tools and Materials

Step 2: Cut Out the Damaged Area

Use the embroidery hoop as a stencil to trace out the damaged area. Then, use fabric scissors to cut along the back panel of the jeans, following the line. Make sure to only cut the back panel, as cutting the front panel will create an unnecessary hole.

Cutting Out the Damaged Area

Step 3: Create the Patch

Place the cutouts in the denim swatch and trace a larger shape of the cutout. Use fabric scissors to cut out the patches. Then, center the old denim onto the new patch and trace vertical and horizontal lines on denim using a straight edge and some chalk.

Creating the Patch

Step 4: Attach the Patch

Pin the old denim in place and use an embroidery needle and embroidery floss to add stitches into the patch. Use a Straight Stitch (just up and down sewing) following the vertical and then horizontal lines. Then, use a Whip Stitch to attach the patch, repeating the process a second time.

Attaching the Patch

Step 5: Finish the Repair

Turn the jeans inside out and trim down the patch. Use a straight stitch to tighten up any loose spots. The style is meant to look rustic and DIY, so don’t worry if it’s not perfect.

Finishing the Repair

And that’s it! With these simple steps, you can replace the inner thigh of your denim jeans and give them a new lease on life. Remember to schedule a repair with Salvation Repair if you need any further assistance.

Schedule a repair

We offer a limited lifetime guarantee of all parts and labor, so you can trust that your repair will be done right. Contact us today to learn more!

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