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How To Install Dual Hard Drive In Macbook Pro 13 Inch Unibody Mid 2009

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MacBook Pro 13″ Unibody Repair Tutorial

Remove the following 10 screws securing the lower case to the MacBook Pro 13″ Unibody:Seven 3 mm Phillips screws.Three 13.5 mm Phillips screws.Slightly lift the lower case and push it toward the rear of the computer to free the mounting tabs.For precautionary purposes, we advise that you disconnect the battery connector from the logic board to avoid any electrical discharge.Use the flat end of a spudger to lift the battery connector up out of its socket on the logic board.Using the flat end of a spudger, gently pry the right speaker/subwoofer cable connector straight up off the logic board. Be careful not to lift the socket. Pull the connector toward the optical drive.Pry up from beneath the wires.It will be necessary to slide the small clear plastic cable retainer (boxed in red) glued to the logic board out of the way before disconnecting the camera cable. Be careful not to break any components off the board as you slide it away from the camera cable connector.Pull the camera cable connector toward the optical drive to disconnect it from the logic board.This socket is metal and easily bent. Be sure to align the connector with its socket on the logic board before mating the two pieces.Use the flat end of a spudger to pry the optical drive connector straight up off the logic board.Use the flat end of a spudger to pry the hard drive connector straight up off the logic board.Remove the two Phillips screws securing the subwoofer to the upper case. The right one is 5 mm and the left 3.9 mm.The longer of the two screws is on the right.The subwoofer is still connected to the right speaker, so don’t completely remove it just yet.Lift the subwoofer off the optical drive, and set it above the computer.Remove the two 8.4 mm Phillips screws securing the camera cable bracket to the upper case.The right screw may remain captive in the camera cable.Lift the camera cable bracket out of the upper case.Remove the three 2.5 mm Phillips screws securing the optical drive to the upper case.Lift the optical drive from its right edge and pull it out of the computer.Remove the optical drive cable by pulling it straight away from the optical drive.This connector is particularly deep, so be sure to pull away from the drive at the center of the connector.If you have a CD or any other object jammed in your optical drive, we have an optical drive repair guide.optical drive repair guideRemove the two black Phillips #0 screws securing the small metal mounting bracket. Transfer this bracket to your new optical drive or hard drive enclosure.hard drive enclosureRemove the plastic spacer from the optical bay hard drive enclosure by pressing in on one of the clips on either side and lifting it up and out of the enclosure.Make sure that the hard drive connectors are facing down before placing it into the enclosure.Gently place the hard drive into the enclosure’s hard drive slot.While firmly holding the enclosure in place with one hand, use your other hand to press the hard drive into the enclosure’s connectors.Once the hard drive is snug, reinsert the plastic spacer while holding the hard drive against the bottom of the enclosure.Use two Phillips #1 screws to secure the drive to its enclosure.Attach the optical drive bracket to the new enclosure with two Phillips #0 screws.Reconnect any cables you have removed from the original optical drive onto the optical bay enclosure.Don’t ditch that drive! You can still use your optical drive externally with the help of our SATA Optical Drive USB Cable.SATA Optical Drive USB CableAlign the cable’s SATA connector with the drive’s port and plug in securely.Plug the USB connector into your laptop and your optical drive is ready for use.

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