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Ps Vita Slim Wifi Connection Repair

PS Vita Slim Won’t Connect to WiFi: Troubleshooting Guide

Is your PS Vita Slim having trouble connecting to WiFi? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This issue can be frustrating, but there are a few simple steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the problem. PS Vita Slim Won't Connect to WiFi

First, let’s start with the basics. After long periods of connection, it’s possible that the PlayStation Vita Slim has blocked the access point. Try restarting your WiFi and your Sony PlayStation Vita Slim. This will help renew the connections and may resolve the issue. Restarting your PS Vita Slim

If restarting doesn’t work, let’s dive deeper into the possible causes. One common issue is that the device can’t find the router. To resolve this, go into the PlayStation Vita Slim settings and proceed to find network settings. Inside of network settings, select WiFi settings and then select your access point. PS Vita Slim Network Settings

Next, go into advanced settings and set your DNS to manual. Change the access point of your DNS to and your secondary DNS to This should help the device find the router and establish a connection. PS Vita Slim Advanced Settings

Another possible cause is a software error introduced in an update. If you’re experiencing error NW-5603-4 or auto-disconnecting from the internet, try going into the WiFi settings and selecting “disconnect Wi-Fi connection automatically.” If this option is not available, try disconnecting from your WiFi, clearing out all access points on the system, and then restarting both the router and the game system. PS Vita Slim WiFi Settings

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it may be time to seek professional help. At Salvation Repair, we offer a limited lifetime guarantee on all parts and labor, and our expert technicians can diagnose and repair your PS Vita Slim. Schedule a repair today and get back to gaming in no time! Salvation Repair Logo

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