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Samsung Galaxy S20 Not Turning On Tutorial

Samsung Galaxy S20 Won’t Turn On? Try These Troubleshooting Steps

Is your Samsung Galaxy S20 not turning on or responding to input from the power button? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. At Salvation Repair, we understand how frustrating it can be when your device won’t turn on. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through some troubleshooting steps to help you identify and fix the issue.

Samsung Galaxy S20 Will Not Turn On

Before we dive into the troubleshooting steps, make sure you’ve tried the basics. Check that your cable, charging block, and outlet are all functional. Try plugging in another USB-C device to ensure the setup is getting power.

Battery Discharged

If your Samsung Galaxy S20 won’t turn on, it’s possible that the battery is simply discharged. Try charging your phone for at least 10 minutes before attempting to turn it back on. If the battery level drops low enough, there may not be enough juice to power the screen, even briefly.

Samsung Galaxy S20 Battery

Tip: Be sure to check that your cable, charging block, and outlet are all functional before ruling out simple discharge as the culprit. You can try plugging in another USB-C device to make sure that the setup is getting power if you suspect that one of these components may be dysfunctional.

Firmware Fault

If the problem with your phone seems to have occurred for no reason (i.e., you didn’t drop it or expose it to extreme conditions), it’s likely due to a problem with the phone’s software. You can perform a force reset on your phone to escape from a bad firmware loop.

Samsung Galaxy S20 Motherboard

To force reset your Galaxy S20, follow these steps:

  • Press and hold the Power button and the Volume down button simultaneously for 10 seconds.
  • Release the Power button but continue to hold the Volume down button.
  • Wait for the device to reboot.

If this solution works for you, it’s likely that your issue was simply a software blip, and your phone should continue to function normally.

Bad Battery

Lithium-ion batteries like the one found in your Galaxy S20 are only rated for around 400-500 charge cycles before the battery capacity degrades to 80%. For most regular users, this will happen at the 1-1.5 year mark, at which point the user will notice that their battery holds less charge and takes longer to reach a full charge.

Samsung Galaxy S20 Battery Replacement

If you’ve been using your phone for 2-3+ years and have amassed a thousand or more charge cycles, your phone may have trouble starting the hardware up, even when fully charged. You can check for battery issues by seeing if your phone turns on while plugged in. If your phone does turn on while connected to a power source, you can check the battery on your Samsung Galaxy S20 by following these steps:

At Salvation Repair, we offer a limited lifetime guarantee on all parts and labor. If you’re experiencing issues with your Samsung Galaxy S20, don’t hesitate to schedule a repair with us today.

Screwed-Up Screen

The screen of the phone is responsible for displaying the user interface, and because it controls most of the input/output for the phone, a faulty screen may be mistaken for the phone not turning on.

Samsung Galaxy S20 Screens

If the phone was recently dropped and the screen is visibly damaged, a screen replacement may return the phone to working condition. However, you can test this by plugging the phone into an external display if possible. If you get an output on the external display, it means that your phone is still turning on, but the display is busted.


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