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Xbox One Wireless Controller Won’T Connect To Console

Xbox One Wireless Controller Not Connecting

Xbox One Wireless Controllers are susceptible to a range of problems that could cause them to stop connecting to Xbox consoles. Here are some of the most common causes and solutions.

Possible Causes

Low Battery Power

Xbox Controller

A common cause of connectivity issues is low battery power. If your Xbox One Wireless Controller is not turning on, the controller might need to be charged. Plug the controller into the Xbox console using a USB cord.

To check the controller’s battery level, press the Xbox button, and navigate to the home screen. The controller’s charge should be displayed in the bottom right corner of the home screen. Allow the controller to charge until the controller’s charge level is full (this could take several hours).

If your Xbox One Wireless Controller is losing battery power very quickly, the controller’s batteries may be faulty. If the batteries will not charge or lose charge very quickly, replace the batteries using the Xbox One Elite Wireless Controller Series 1 (Model 1698) Battery Replacement Guide.

Another Wireless Device is Interfering

Xbox Controller

If you have ensured that your Xbox One Wireless Controller is charged, a conflicting signal may be responsible for connectivity issues. Turn off nearby wireless devices and try reconnecting the controller.

Too Many Controllers are Connected

If all nearby wireless devices are turned off and you are still experiencing connectivity issues, there may be too many controllers connected to your Xbox console. Make sure that you do not have more than eight controllers connected to the console at any one time (eight controllers is the limit for an Xbox One console).

Controller Inactivity

If you set down your Xbox One Wireless Controller for longer than 15 minutes and come back to an unresponsive controller, the controller may need to be turned back on and reconnected.

Controller is Out Of Range

If your Xbox One Wireless Controller is farther than 30 feet (9.1 meters) away from your Xbox console, the controller may not be able to detect the console. Move closer to the Xbox console and try to connect your controller, again.

Controller is Not Synced

Xbox Controller

If your Xbox One Wireless Controller has been synced to a different device, it will not automatically sync back to the Xbox console. Turn on your Xbox One console and hold down the “SYNC” button on your controller simultaneously with the “SYNC” button on your console. Hold these buttons down together until the light on your controller begins to flash rapidly, then release both “SYNC” buttons. After about five to ten seconds, your controller should connect to the console.

Microphone is Preventing Connection

Some users have reported that their Xbox One Wireless Controller will not connect with their Xbox console when their headset microphone is plugged in. Unplug your headset’s microphone and reconnect the Xbox One Wireless Controller. If the controller does not connect automatically, sync the controller and console, again. Once a connection has been established, plug the microphone back into your headset.

Contact Salvation Repair

If you are still having trouble connecting your Xbox One Wireless Controller, schedule a repair with Salvation Repair. We offer a limited lifetime guarantee on all parts and labor, so you can be sure that your repair will be done right.

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